quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2015


Quem está certo? .
Posted by Osvaldo Aires Bade on Quinta, 27 de agosto de 2015
Enviado em 29 de set de 2011

ACRIMESP - Associação dos Advogados Criminalistas do Estado de São Paulo 


O Promotor de Justiça Fernando Albuquerque de Souza, agrediu moralmente e fisicamente o advogado Claudio Márcio de Oliveira, no ultimo dia 22, no Plenário 16 do Fórum Criminal Ministro Mário Guimarães. 

Por ocasião do interrogatório do réu Roberto de Moraes Andrade, que responde ao processo em liberdade, o promotor de justiça Fernando Albuquerque passou a chamar o advogado de bandido e outros adjetivos desabonadores, em face disto o advogado de defesa, requereu a juiza que redesigna-se o julgamento em virtude de não ter mais clima para continuar, ocasião em que o promotor Fernando Albuquerque dirigiu-se ao advogado de defesa e passou a agredi-lo fisicamente, tendo a vitima sido socorrido por policiais.

A juíza presidente do juri Dra. Patricia Inigo Funes e Silva, suspendeu o julgamento e oficiou a Corregedoria do Ministério Publico para as devidas providencias contra o promotor.

A vitima registrou ocorrência no 13º Distrito Policial.
Para o presidente da Acrimesp, o advogado Ademar Gomes, as agressões contra o advogado demonstra total desequilibrio do Promotor e a falta de respeito para com os advogados. A Acrimesp pretende processar o Promotor por agressão fisica alem de indenização por Danos Morais e Materiais, Gomes está requerendo ao Procurador Geral de Justiça o afastamento imediato do Promotor na Vara do Júri.

CONFIRMADO, mais de 40 milhões para campanha de Dilma saíram do BB, Caixa, BNDES e outros

O Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) declarou não restar dúvida de que o governo federal cometeu crime de responsabilidade fiscal ao utilizar recursos de bancos públicos para melhorar as contas, informa o Estadão. Contrárias à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, as operações são conhecidas como "pedaladas fiscais".

Há um descumprimento da lei. Um banco público não pode emprestar dinheiro para o governo — afirmou o relator do processo do TCU, José Múcio.

Nos cálculos do órgão, mais de R$ 40 milhões foram sacados pelo governo das contas do Banco do Brasil, da Caixa e do BNDES para aumentar a contabilidade fiscal e se aproximar da meta de superávit primário, a economia feita para opagamento dos juros da dívida pública.

O processo fortalece a intenção da oposição sobre um possível impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff pelo crime. Conforme decisão do TCU, 17 autoridades do governo federal terão de explicar as operações em no máximo 30 dias. Caso condenadas, as autoridades podem ser alvos de multas e processos por “crime de responsabilidade”.

Estão na lista o presidente do Banco Central, Alexandre Tombini, o ex-ministro da Fazenda Guido Mantega, o ex-secretário do Tesouro Nacional Arno Augustin, o ministro do Planejamento, Nelson Barbosa, o ministro do Trabalho, Manoel Dias, o ex-presidente da Caixa Jorge Hereda e o presidente do BNDES, Luciano Coutinho.

Justiça arquiva processo de Feliciano contra humorístico Porta dos Fundos

Humoristas do grupo Porta dos Fundos (reprodução)

Processo movido pelo pastor Marco Feliciano acusava o grupo Porta dos Fundos de cometer “ultraje a culto” com o vídeo “Especial de Natal”. Vídeo já tem mais de 6 milhões de visualizações
O Ministério Público de São Paulo arquivou o processo movido pelo pastor e deputado Marco Feliciano (PSC) que acusava os humoristas do grupo Porta dos Fundos de cometer “ultraje a culto” com o vídeo “Especial de Natal”, divulgado no dia 23 de dezembro de 2013. O vídeo já foi acessado mais de 6 milhões de vezes.
Marco Feliciano afirmou que o vídeo tem “conteúdo altamente pejorativo” porque se utiliza de palavras obscenas para atacar de “forma infame os dogmas cristãos e a fé de milhares de brasileiros”. No processo, o pastor pede indenização de R$ 1 milhão
O juiz José Zoega Coelho, contudo, aceitou pedido de arquivamento do processo do Ministério Público de São Paulo, para o qual o vídeo não ofende a Igreja ou culto religioso.
De acordo com parecer do Ministério Público de São Paulo, “Para a configuração deste delito é necessário que o agente se conduza de má-fé (…). Não vislumbro essa intenção no caso narrado. Ainda que os autores tenham agido com falta de cortesia (…) isso não pode, por si só, configurar o crime do artigo 208 do Código Penal”.

O Islã na Escola Brasileira

Para quem acha que o Brasil está livre do radicalismo islâmico, vai um alerta: aos poucos, eles estão tomando posições estratégicas no sistema educacional, visando a gradual dominação cultural do país.

"A igreja Católica faz macumba"; "Os atentados terroristas no Oriente Médio são realizados pela Igreja Católica". Absurdo? Certamente! Mas tais afirmações foram feitas em uma sala de aula, aqui no Brasil. Confiram o testemunho da nossa leitora Adriana:

"Bom dia irmãos. Um pouco do islamismo em nossas terras brasileiras. Minha sobrinha, que está no ensino médio, tem aulas de História com uma professora muçulmana. Duas pérolas que tal professora soltou em sala de aula: 'A Igreja Católica faz macumba'; 'Os atentados terroristas no oriente médio são realizados pela Igreja Católica.'

"Essa professora usa o véu islâmico e já quis mandar uma aluno para a diretoria porque o pobre coitado tocou no véu intocável dela."

Para quem acha exagero ou "preconceito", saiba que no ano passado o ministro da Educação britânico, Michael Gove, denunciou um esquema armado por muçulmanos para controlar a rede de ensino britânica. Eles infiltram professores e diretores nas escolas; depois, passam a perseguir os alunos e professores não-muçulmanos.

Government intervenes at school 'taken over’ by Muslim radicals

Park View School in Birmingham, one of the schools at the centre of the controversy that sparked the row between Theresa May and Michael Gove  Photo: CATERS

Secondary to be placed in special measures by Ofsted as parents and staff detail campaign of 'Islamisation’ in city

The Birmingham school at the centre of an alleged campaign of “Islamisation” by Muslim radicals is to be placed in “special measures” by the Government’s education watchdog in a move that could see its head teacher and governors removed.
Park View, previously rated “outstanding” by Ofsted, will be downgraded to “inadequate”, the lowest possible score, in the category of leadership and management, senior education sources said.
This enables Ofsted to place the school in special measures, allowing the watchdog, if it wishes, to remove the school’s entire leadership.
The move, described as “seismic” by senior educational sources, follows a highly unusual two Ofsted inspections in the past three weeks at the school, the alleged victim of a campaign by Islamists called a “Trojan Horse” to remove secular head teachers and install Islamic practices in Birmingham state schools.
It will be embarrassing for the inspectorate and the Prime Minister, David Cameron, who previously hailed Park View as an example of educational excellence.
The disclosure comes as parents and school governors and staff describe in detail how the campaign has destabilised and undermined successful schools.
In extensive interviews with The Sunday Telegraph, more than a dozen sources disclosed how children at one supposedly non-religious primary school, Oldknow, were led in anti-Christian chanting by one of their teachers at assembly.
The school also conducts weekly Friday prayers, has organised at least three school trips to Mecca subsidised from public funds, and requires all pupils to learn Arabic — almost unheard of at a primary school.
The school sign at Oldknow Academy in Small Heath, Birmingham (ANDREW FOX)
It also runs its own madrassah, or religious school. Oldknow’s highly successful non-Muslim head teacher has been driven from her post for resisting this “Islamising agenda”, this newspaper has learnt.
The head of another successful primary school, Springfield, received death threats, had his car tyres slashed and is under “non-stop attack” by radical governors, according to parents, other governors and staff at the school.
Several sources said their schools had repeatedly appealed to Birmingham city council and the education inspectorate Ofsted for help, but were ignored.
This newspaper has also established that one of the alleged leaders of the Trojan Horse plot, Tahir Alam, is an Ofsted inspector and is employed as a “specialist in school governance” by Birmingham city council. Mr Alam says the plot is a fabrication and denies any involvement.
The council has downplayed the fundamentalist activity. Its leader, Sir Albert Bore, dismissed the allegations as “defamatory” and said there are “no serious flaws” in its management of schools.
The Sunday Telegraph has learnt, however, that late last week, in a highly unusual move reflecting deep concern in Whitehall, at least a dozen officials from the Department for Education were sent to three of the schools allegedly targeted: Park View, Golden Hillock and Nansen Primary. All three state schools are run by Park View Education Trust, whose chairman is Mr Alam.
The deputy head of Nansen, Razwan Faraz, the brother of a convicted terrorist, is the administrator of an organised group of teachers, governors and school consultants called “Educational Activists” dedicated to pursuing what Mr Faraz, in leaked messages, called an “Islamising agenda” in Birmingham schools.
Nansen, like Oldknow, is one of the tiny number of primary schools in the country that teach compulsory Arabic to all pupils.
“The DfE people are talking to the teachers and children and they are even photocopying exercise books,” said one teacher at Park View. “I have never heard of anything like this before.”
The DfE confirmed that its officials were sent into Park View as part of an “ongoing investigation” into “serious allegations”. Ofsted also made a second inspection in just three weeks at Park View last Monday. Officials are expected to carry out a snap inspection of either Nansen or Golden Hillock tomorrow.
The first Ofsted inspection of Park View, on March 5, was a brief “section 8” monitoring visit. However, it is understood that it uncovered sufficient concerns to trigger a full “section 5” inspection last week, more than three years before Park View’s next such inspection was due. “If a section 8 turns into a section 5, that is serious. It’s not looking good,” said one teacher.
At its previous full inspection in 2012, Park View was rated “outstanding”. But senior educational sources said the latest inspection had dropped it to “inadequate” in one of four categories, leadership and management, which would trigger government intervention. The head teacher, Lindsey Clark, refused to confirm or deny this last night, saying: “The outcome of the report is confidential.”
As this newspaper disclosed two weeks ago, a senior teacher at Park View praised the al-Qaeda ideologue Anwar al-Awlaki at assemblies and used school facilities to copy Osama bin Laden DVDs. The senior teacher is a candidate to replace Mrs Clark, who is retiring. On November 28 the school hosted an extremist preacher, Shady al-Suleiman, at one of its Year 10 and 11 assemblies.
At Oldknow, an academy primary in the Small Heath area, staff, parents and former staff said that the respected non-Muslim head teacher, Bhupinder Kondal, “walked out in tears” after being placed under “impossible pressure” by Achmad da Costa, the chairman of governors, a close colleague of Tahir Alam and a director with him of a group called the Muslim Parents’ Association. She is now bringing a case against the governors.
Over nine years at Oldknow, Mrs Kondal took her school from “inadequate” to “outstanding” in the Ofsted rankings, a feat managed by only a handful of heads. But governors “brought in consultants who set her completely unachievable targets”, one member of staff said.
“We were all told that she was off sick but it has now emerged that she has left,” the staff member added. Mrs Kondal is among four of the school’s six-strong senior management team who have left in the past six months.
Last year Mr da Costa recruited a new deputy head, Jahangir Akbar, from a Muslim faith school in Leicester. Soon afterwards, Jahangir’s younger brother, Khalil, was recruited as assistant head. No other candidates were interviewed for either position and the assistant headship was not even advertised, staff said. Jahangir Akbar is another colleague of Tahir Alam’s and has worked with him in the Association of Muslim Schools, of which Mr Alam is vice-chairman.
“Oldknow’s pupils are mostly but not entirely Muslim and it was always an equal-opportunity school,” said one former member of staff. “But then all of a sudden there were Jummah [Friday] prayers, and going to Saudi Arabia on government money, and the Arabic, and blatant belittling of Christianity.”
Hardline teachers were recruited who would “sow the seed of religion in every lesson,” said one source. “Some of the teachers told pupils that music was sinful in Islam and the children started to refuse to do music, even though it is compulsory in the National Curriculum. It is incredibly difficult when your own colleagues undermine your efforts to give the children a balanced education.”
Matters came to a head, three separate sources said, last December when all the normal Christmas activity, including a tree, cards and the pantomime, was cancelled because it was considered un-Islamic, and the school’s Arabic teacher, Asif Khan, delivered an assembly “ridiculing” Christian beliefs. “It was like a rally,” said one person present. “He was leading them in chants of, 'Do we believe in Christmas? No! Do we give out Christmas cards? No! The seven days of Christmas, they [Christians] can’t even count!’
“The children have always enjoyed Christmas and their parents are fine with it too. Five staff complained and Mrs Kondal made him apologise, but the governors were furious with her and that was the end, really.”
At another successful primary school nearby, Springfield, rated “good,” by Ofsted, the process appears less advanced but similar tactics are being used. The head teacher, Christopher Webb, is under “non-stop attack” by radical members of the governing body, teachers said. “Each meeting is two and a half hours of constant verbal attacks, criticism and cross-examination,” said one.
At least one of the governors at Springfield, Nasim Awan, an Islamic bookshop owner, is a member of the “Educational Activists” group administered by Razwan Faraz. He boasted in leaked messages about the “battles” he had “fought and won” at a “large inner city primary school” which led to its governing body becoming “polarised on faith grounds”.
Before Mr Awan joined Springfield’s governing body, false allegations of cheating in SATs were made against the school. “All the parents in Year 6 were texted with the allegations,” said another teacher. “What was most alarming is that their mobile numbers could only have been obtained by someone within the school.”
A three-year row was also concocted about sex education, staff said. During this period, according to staff, Mr Webb’s car tyres were slashed and he and his family received anonymous death threats over the phone. There is no suggestion that Mr Awan, who was not a governor at that point, or any of the other activists were responsible. Sex education is not taught at the school and is given only on an “individual one-to-one basis” with direct parental consent, teachers said.
Radical governors and some parents also put pressure on the school to cancel the annual nativity play, but this was fought off after Mr Webb enlisted the local imam in support, staff said. One member of staff was forced to remove a picture of Jesus from an Easter assembly on the grounds that images of a prophet were unacceptable.
“Morale is low and we are struggling with the constant need to justify ourselves when there is nothing to justify,” said one staff member. “Things are getting worse but we are getting no support from the local education authority.”
The acting head of Oldknow, Mr Akbar, would not confirm or deny any of the claims about his school last night. Mr Alam did not respond to repeated messages seeking comment. A spokesman for Birmingham council said it was committed to investigating the allegations.

Burger King faz proposta para se juntar por um dia com o McDonald's, mas leva balde de água fria


26/08/15  12:38

Pense num balde de água fria, tirada do congelador.
É o que deve estar sentindo o pessoal do Burger King nesta quarta-feira.
A rede de fast food americana lançou uma campanha para se juntar por um dia com o maior rival, o McDonald’s, em nome da paz. Neste dia, pela ideia da empresa, seria produzido o ‘McWhopper’ –corruptela dos nomes da maioria dos sanduíches deles.

“Um dia de trégua. Nós queremos nos juntar com o McD’s neste Dia da Paz Peace One Day. Esta é nossa ‪#‎McWhopperProposal‬. A campanha tem até um site.
Não demorou muito para vir a resposta do McDonald’s. E não foi bem o que o Burger King queria ouvir:

Dois pontos a considerar: primeiro o McDonald’s sacaneia a ideia (“acreditamos que nossas duas marcas juntas poderiam fazer algo maior para fazer a diferença”) e depois lembra que certas coisas funcionariam melhor se fossem previamente combinadas (“P.S.: Da próxima vez, um simples telefonema seria o suficiente.”).
Vale lembrar que no próximo sábado é o ‘McDia Feliz’, quando parte da renda da venda de Big Macs é revertida para o combate ao câncer infantil. Trata-se da principal campanha ‘social’ do McDonald’s, e tal iniciativa do Burger King poderia ofuscá-la.

ATUALIZAÇÃO: Claro que já tentaram pegar carona no buzz gerado pela polêmica. A mais divertida foi da rede Giraffas:

Ponto pro Burguer o Mc está velho é rabugento

TBN Special Perry Stone Jonathan Cahn Mark Biltz Bill Salus Mar 9, 2015

Publicado em 30 de jul de 2015

Bate papo acerca dos eventos atuais e as profecias bíblicas

Filho pede boneca Ariel de presente e pai tem a melhor reação de todas?


O norte-americano Mikki Willis teve a reação mais incrível de todas quando seu filho pediu de presente de aniversário uma boneca Ariel. “YEAH!”, o pai levou numa boa a escolha do pequeno.

Mikki gravou um vídeo, que já tá bombando na web, contando sobre o presente e o que ele achava sobre isso.

“Eu quero que meus filhos decidam suas próprias vidas. É assim que eu e minha mulher pensamos”, diz Mikki no vídeo.

Pra completar, ele foi ainda mais estranho e disse: “Vocês têm a minha promessa: nós sempre vamos amar vocês e não importa a decisão que vocês tomem”.

Eu penso que merecia um processo por expor os filhos ao ridículo e ainda abandono moral
e intelectual dos seus filhos.

Isso é tão pertinente a moral em queda.
O Brasil é o que é devido a putaria que sempre existiu por aqui.
Nós somos filhos de prima com primos e no Brasil o pai pode enrabar a filha, é isso mesmo, não existe crime de incesto, portando, um povo como cria da Xuxa Exu está representado muito bem na degeneração e danação. No caso um pai poderia comer o filho irmão e todos iriam comemorar na Marcha das Vadias o novo casamento da família. Ou então, a comemoração seria na Marcha pela Liberação da Maconha.
A turma que está no poder, todos eles, tem uma vida desregrada e são todos pervertidos.

Pai Bambi Filho Bambi!
Filho pede boneca Ariel de presente e pai tem a melhor reação de todas? http://cinenegocioseimoveis.blogspot.com/2015/08/filho-pede-boneca-ariel-de-presente-e.html.
Posted by Osvaldo Aires Bade on Quarta, 26 de agosto de 2015